Carlsberg Beer

By on May 16, 2011 @ 6 PM (5 Comments)

Carlsberg Beer is brewed by the Carlsberg Group in Denmark, which has been brewing up beers since 1847. It’s now the fourth largest brewery in the world and employees over 41,000 people who make around 300 different brands of beer.

The Carlsberg Group actually has a tremendous history of innovation – in 1875 they set up the Carlsberg Laboratory to figure out how to improve the quality of beer. It was here where they figured out how to consistently produce beer (a daunting problem before this time). It started with a revolutionary understanding of the nature yeast and expanded on Louis Pasteur’s findings that yeast are actually living organisms. They discovered that yeast was composed of different kinds of fungi and that the yeast culture could be cultivated. From here they isolated a single yeast cell and developed a pure yeast culture which became the key to consistent, repeatable batches of quality beer. What’s so great is that instead of keeping this method for cultivating pure yeast a secret they shared it with brewmasters all over the world. This Carlsberg yeast is still used in most of the lagers available on the market today.

Additionally they created the first formal fermentation device in the world to break down yeast into alcohol and carbon dioxide, giving us beer with alcohol and carbonation. Fermentation of course happened before this, but mostly consisted of storing beer barrels in caves and letting the magic happen inside. They also invented the pH scale that is used in all of science to measure how acidic or basic a liquid is. Who knew when you were studying the pH scale in science class that it was based on research from a brewery? Beer is all around you my friends.

Carlsberg Beer, the one we’re reviewing here, is their flagship beer and has been brewed since 1904. It’s exported globally all over the world. For our review we used a standard pint glass to hold the contents of the 11.2 oz green bottle that sports a 5% ABV. We got a starting beer temperature of 43.0 F.

The pour yielded an average to large 2″ foamy white head that left a fair amount of head lacing. There’s a soft amount of carbonation and a brilliant gold color that’s clear in the glass. Exactly what you’d expect from a pilsner/pale lager type beer.

Our aromas came in really clean – light hay, light honey, lemon, light yeast and light ginger.

Our initial flavors came in with a moderate sweet and very light bitter that evolved in the finish to a light to moderate sweet and light bitter. Our tastes came in with light honey, lemon, light yeast and light ginger. Overall it’s a very delicate beer on the palate.

The finish length is short, the mouthfeel is dry and the tongue hit is in the middle. There’s a fair amount of body lacing left on the glass over the course of drinking it and on our patented malt to hop scale it comes in perfectly balanced.

For our bottom line notes we got a yes to drinkable, repeatable and balance. We got a no to harmony, memorable and wow factor. We got a maybe to buy again.

For a green bottle brew, Carlsberg Beer isn’t too bad. It’s got a nice sweet taste that continues to taste good as the temperature gets into the 50s. It’s better cold, but it’s well-crafted and doesn’t completely fall apart as it warms. Our preference would be to do it cold and drink it quick for maximum enjoyment.

Final verdict: It’s got a good profile and could be a good everyday beer for somebody. The BeerFathers probably aren’t their target market though.

Carlsberg Beer Rating: 3 out of 10 (?)

5 Comments (Add Your Comments)

  1. John Augustus Carr says:

    I read your comments or Carlsberg. For one thing it is a good beer. I personally do not agree with your review but then I drank mine in Danemark [Denmark is one spelling]. For two I do not notice the words Brauimeister associated with your review. three I did not know about the yeast or the PH scale good research. four if you are the BEERFATHERS then answer a simple question for me. While in Saint Augustine Fl. a while back [5 years or so] I stopped at a little pub close to the old fort. They serve among other drink “Guiness” draft and as I enjoy imports and domestics and have never before seen a “Guiness” draft in the USA I paid the extra $1.25 for the pleasure. When the tavern beertender pulled my beer he did something I had never seen, he sat the mug flat on the drain grate while serving others and as soon as my mug was full He served it, as was. I took the mug to tha table outside sat it down and watched it very closely as my intention was to voice a complaint about only gettting part of a beer once the head had settled. The “Guiness” settled upwards. The fam did not dflate to the beer the beer rose to the foam and in the end therew was so little differenc there was no way I was going to open my big mouth as the mug was FULL. Now my question is “Where did the air in the bubbles GO?” The Mug ended full and none was added. How did the bubbles [gasses included turn to the elixer of thirst? ] Any other beer would have left more than an inch of empty space not the Guiness, I guess the brauimeister must have read about that law in the UK where a pint must contain a pint [Do you guys know how to spell that brewmaster word?]

  2. John says:

    John Augustus Carr – thanks for your comments on Carlsberg. As for your Guinness situation I’ve got no response. I’ve always only seen the standard two-step pour, as shown on the video on this page:

    Guinness is a much creamier beer and it may be able to tolerate some pouring irregularities. I definitely wouldn’t put that bar on my list of places to go back to though.



  3. John Augustus Carr says:

    Why would you say not to go back? The beer was good and the mug was full. Then again you thought Carlsburg was lacking. Mon Tak

  4. Dara says:

    Shows what ye really know calling Guinness a beer!!… Guinness is STOUT last time il ever take a rating from this place seriously!!

  5. John says:

    Dara – You realize that all stouts are beers, correct?

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