Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse

By on March 20, 2008 @ 3 PM (1 Comment)

After the fiasco with the Moosbacher I wanted to show the Lovely Mrs. Beer Love a good weissbier. Just so happened to have one of these on hand, as the weissbier law is set to go into effect.

Beer temp. 42.7F-5.8C. a .5L bottle poured a hazy yellow gold with a large 2.5 inch frothy white head that dissipated fairly quickly with virtually no lacing. The carbonation was soft and the aromas were biscuit, wheat, citrus, lemon, yeast, banana and clove. Taste were yeast, lemon, banana, clove and the all important pepper. Initial flavors were light in both sweet and tart, and the finish flavors were the same. Finish was short, mouthfeel was dry and had virtually no body lacing. I forgot to check the malt to hop scale so feel compelled to go get some more gladly. Repeatable,YES, drinkable, YEAH, memorable, DAMN RIGHT, wow factor, not quite, buy again, ABSOLUTELY.

What can you say, is it the best hefe in the world? Not quite. This brings back so many memories of Munich. At Octoberfest 06 when the first keg was tapped at noon and the cry went up “O’zapft is!” John and I walked around the Wies’n with 250,000 of our closest friends and couldn’t get a seat for 2 1/2 hours and trudged back hot and sweaty to our hotel I pointed out a small bar across the street and we went in. I wasn’t going to not have a dam beer on opening day. Fortunately no one spoke English so John ordered a Lowenbrau and we both snarked it down. They had the usual stand up tables and a few stools. A person sitting on a stool who appeared middle eastern patted one and indicated I should sit down, an old grey headed sweaty fat man with to many clothes on gratefully accepted. I asked if he spoke English, his entire vocabulary was New York, Chicago and Miami. He said to we “weissbier goot”. John and I each had a .5L each, Wow, I’de had this one in the states but I never had a better one. As we left for the hotel I told John that he was the German version of the common American Bar Fly, which I know very well. I wish him well, and doubled his English vocabulary which now includes Mardi Gras, Doubloon {which he now has in his billfold] and New Awlins.

Back to the beer. in this one the banana aroma predominates the lemon which I kind of prefer but the balance is so very good that you thirsty for your next drink while you are still drinking. The only thing that keeps me from giving it a nine is the pepper bite that is barely there. Of course I live in Louisiana and we like pepper, black, red and tabasco.

Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse Rating: 8 out of 10 (?)

1 Comment (Add Your Comments)

  1. Karin Keller says:

    How can we tell when the beer was brewed?
    The dates on the boxes at the dealers all have
    like 38. 2009.This means the 38th day of 2009.
    But now it is december.It lookes like the beer
    is 10 months old.
    Several times we returned the case to the dealer ,the beer was FLAT and did not taste right.
    We like to drink Franziskaner.We went to
    4 different stores and they all had old dates.
    Thank you, Karin Keller

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