Our Beer Ratings Distribution Chart

By on March 31, 2011 @ 6 PM (No Comments)

Here at The BeerFathers headquarters we enjoy the finer things in life – a good beer, a nice meal, a well-written book. We’re sure you do too. But if you’re anything like us, and we know you are, you have an insatiable thirst for information. Not just any information though – infographics. Yes, like you, we can’t get enough charts and graphs to satiate our hunger for them. So we felt it was time to combine two of our favorite things – beer and charts.

We were curious how our beer ratings distribution looked when presented graphically – was it a bell-shaped curve? So we present you with The BeerFathers Official Beer Ratings Distribution Chart as of March 2011 – 137 beers in to this magnificent beer journey. It shows on the X axis the ratings from 0 to 10 and on the Y axis the number of beers for a particular rating.

The BeerFathers Ratings Distribution

Yeah – not exactly a bell-shaped curve. Well, maybe a drunk bell. Or a pretty awesome roller coaster. But it goes to show that the majority of our beers are somewhere near the middle of the pack. It also shows that perhaps we tend to seek out beers we think we’ll rate highly – something we’ve probably been more guilty of lately. Either way – it’s a chart about beer. And we’ll drink to that.

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