Aventinus Wheat Doppelbock

By on July 22, 2008 @ 8 PM (17 Comments)

It’s Thursday Father and Son Beer review time again! This time we’re hitting the Aventinus Wheat Doppelbock, and we were primed for it by several of our beer peers who said this one was an absolute treat. You know what? They were right. This is one of our new favorite beers. Not only is it a new favorite but it seems to be pretty readily available in most places. We must be close to achieving beer nirvana.

The Aventinus is brewed by G. Schneider & Sohn in Germany. The 500 ml bottle is a terrific size for this 8.2% ABV bock bock. We served ours up in a weizen glass and got an insanely huge 4″ frothy light brown head that dissipated slowly and didn’t leave any head lacing to speak of. There was a medium amount of carbonation and the color was light brown to medium brown with a murky haze to it.

The smells in this thing pop – chocolate, lightly toasted malts, wheat, banana, brown sugar, bubble gum, clove and dark fruits, with plum standing out most in the pack. The aroma has a really nice sweetness to it.

The taste though is where this thing really stands out with just as much variety as the aroma – chocolate, vanilla, wheat, alcohol, light banana, brown sugar, bubble gum, cola and plum. The sweetness from the aromas continue on in the taste and it’s just a great touch. The chocolate and vanilla notes really harmonize with each other to create a great beer experience. The initial flavor notes come through as a moderate sweet. The finish duration is long and the finish notes evolve a little to stay moderately sweet with very light bitter and light tart. There’s not much body lacing as you gulp it down but the mouthfeel is delicious and creamy – really one of the best mouthfeels of any beer – rich, smooth and strong with a good flavor profile. On our malt to hop scale it comes in about 2 1/2 clicks to the left of balanced on the malty side – that is fairly heavy malts.

For the bottom line test – we got a yes for everything – drinkable, repeatable, balance, harmony, memorable, wow factor and buy again – yes to all. You get some nice warming action with the beer as you drink it thanks to the 8.2% ABV and the extra couple of ounces (16.9 oz). It tastes a lot like a Belgian ale with candy sugar and less like a doppelbock (which is technically a lager). The Aventinus website says it’s “streaked with fine top-fermenting yeast” which means it’s got ale yeast in it. So again we have a bit of a hybrid beer that’s hard to classify as a lager or an ale. Our advice? Stop worrying and love the beer – it’s one of the best beers you’ll ever try. I bought two and after this test cellared the second one so I could try it again in a year or so after reading several bloggers note that it cellared quite well (Update: cellar experiment status: Failed. I drank it in less than a month).

It’s as good as a strong Belgian ale like a Chimay Blue or a Trappistes Rochefort 8 – but it has a deceptive lightness to it. We struggled with how to phrase it but we settled on “a nice overstated subtleness.” We think that sums it up nicely. This is an absolute must try beer. Buy it in large batches and enjoy this as one of the top beers in the land.

Aventinus Wheat Doppelbock Rating: 9 out of 10 (?)

17 Comments (Add Your Comments)

  1. we also think this is one of the best beer brewed, although my husband also like Schneidner wheat, i believe its called. We are from Pa and cannt get it in this state and are trying to find it in a close state. We had traveled to Conn. and tried it there, so when we visit Conn., of course we have to stop at Billy o’s and get one or two, or more.

  2. Mike J says:

    I bought this by the case at Shangy’s in Emaus (Allentown) for just over $60 a case.

  3. JL says:

    Incredible beer. 9/10 indeed!

  4. Bruce Hackmann says:

    If you want flavor this is the one. I had it a few years back, but with so many beers to try it was on the backburner. Then a few weeks ago I saw it at the store and I was buying a variety wheat beer to do a sampling. Soon as I saw the bottle I said, (to myself) ‘I remember this and it was good.’
    On the sampling days: day one we had a variety of wheat beers and the group agreed they were all pretty good. Little difference between all four that we sampled.
    Then on day two – Aventinus dopplebock was added to the line up. When each of us sampled the Aventinus the response was the same – WOW – this baby is great. This one was by far the best out of our two day sampling of eight different wheat beers. When one beer makes you forget about the other seven – that must make it great.
    I am sure glad I bought six of them to come up north with this week, what a pleasure. I am committed to keeping this in my beer fridge back home.
    If you have not tried this – stop what you are doing a go buy some. NOW – Don’t wait – GO!

  5. We just reviewed this beer recently (5 out of 5 stars) and I’m amazed at the consistency of the positive comments we get. I see the same reaction to the Aventinus here! That’s pretty unusual to have so many people rate a beer so highly. Good stuff indeed!

  6. Dad says:

    Scott, not if its a really good beer. John and I are finding that the really good beers can pass the temperature test. No place to hide the flaws in the bright light of 65-70F.

  7. vahn kelly says:

    best beer ive ever had!!!!!! in ohio this beer goes for $4.15 a bottle, but in california it goes for about $7.99 a bottle. i’ve had just about every beer they sell in the states and aventinus is the best. presidente (domincan republic) is also a great beer but aventinus is the best

  8. Chris Beck says:

    Where can I get this beer? I had it last weekend in Charlottesville, VA and think it is amazing. However, I cannot find it in my part of the state. I live on the Delmarva Peninsula . . . where can I get this beer?
    I would give it a 9.5/10

  9. Brian says:

    Best beer I’ve ever had! 9/10

  10. Silenus says:

    If there is a god, this is what he drank for six days before resting on the seventh.

  11. Bruce says:

    Kelly from Ohio said it costs around 4.15 a bottle. Around the month of August they must have had a price increase. Here in Michigan, it went from 3.40 a bottle to 4.60 a bottle.

  12. Bruce says:

    I wrote that the price was 4.60 a bottle – I was only off a dollar. $5.60 – I have the price tag on the cap right in front of me. But, the beer still tastes the same! That will explain why I did not get the case when I had my beer guy order it for me – 40 dollars more a case. So, I only bought 10 bottles.

  13. Bill says:

    John & Dad,

    Truly one of the best beers that I’ve ever had. Like drinking a candy bar! Definitely one that you want to share on Father & Son night!


    Bill Z.

  14. John Campbell says:

    Aventinus is now available in Pennsylvania beginning in August Frank Furhrer distributors stock this favorite of mine.

  15. Dan says:

    We have this on tap I love it if anyone is in the area come check it out 5638 e la Palma ave Anaheim ca 92807 777-4992 we also have 32 other great beers on tap and 50 in bottle!

  16. Poo says:

    It’s definitely a great beer. Had it for the first time at a restaurant. I’ve bought several bottles since then,…top notch stuff.

  17. Brian Graz says:

    Had this beer on tap at Guglhupf Restaurant in Durham NC in March 2012 while vacationing from WNY. It alone was worth the trip. Truly unique and outstanding.

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