Ayinger Brau-Weisse

By on April 22, 2007 @ 8 PM (2 Comments)

This is an authentic Bavarian hefe-weizen which means a top-fermented wheat beer – and you know to expect good things from wheat beers.

Initially pours golden and almost clear into a pint glass with a decent soft white head that hangs around for a few minutes, similar in color and appearance to an American pilsner (except for having a bit more head). The last pour, swirled in the bottle before making its way into the glass, produced the very cloudy unfiltered look you expected initially and added a touch of orange to the overall presentation. The yeast sediment and wheat proteins hide in the bottom but they’re there.

It has a very prominent yeast smell with some mild citrusy lemon and banana tones and sports a terrificly smooth taste – extremely clean. A terrific harmonious balance between hops and malts. You get a faint lemon and spicy clove/peppery edge that makes for a terrific hefeweizen. Also some banana flavors liven up the wheat. A good mouthfeel – it hangs around a little bit after the initial swallow and sits well. I tried this with no lemon wedge – as we all know you don’t fruit the beer.

It has a wonderfully smooth finish to it setting up the next sip almost immediately. This is the kind of beer you drink too fast but you don’t mind. A great beer to have with food – I tried with a hamburger and tater tots and it suited it just fine. Typical Ayinger quality – what can you say – they brew some of the finest and most consistent beers I’ve tried over the entire spectrum.

Believe it or not I actually like the Flying Dog In Heat Wheat Ale a little better in terms of a hefeweizen. The Ayinger has a bit of a banana touch to it that makes it my current number two. Also in terms of price the Flying Dog comes out well on top. Either one is highly drinkable and tremendously thirst-quenching.

I hereby propose the passing of legislation that makes mandatory the possession of an inventory of no less than 6 hefeweizens in your fridge at any given point in time between the months of April and October. All in favor?

Ayinger Brau-Weisse Rating: 7 out of 10 (?)

2 Comments (Add Your Comments)

  1. Bill says:

    I just tried this beer this eveing and was quite impressed with its taste for a Hefe-Weizen. I agree w/ most of your comments on this beer except for the clove / banana taste remarks. I would rate this a bit higher for a Hefe-Weizen, more like an 8-9 rating. Can you give me some Hefe-Weizen suggestions you would rate at a 9-10, thanks.


  2. John says:

    Bill – the highest we’ve ever rated a hefeweizen on the site was an 8. We don’t have any 9’s or 10’s. If you want some more exploration into hefes, you might check out our hefe madness tournament we did on the site last year where we put 8 hefes head-to-head against each other, March Madness style:



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