O’Fallon Lemp Jurassic Dark
By Dad on March 14, 2008 @ 5 PM (No Comments)
Picked this up in Mo. and even though it had a dinosaur on the label since I only had one John let me keep it. It’s from the O’Fallon Brewery and the label says ” A Truly Extravagant Beer ” I didn’t know what it was so guessed at the temp. and went with a straight pull from the box. The temp. was 43.7F -6.7C beer color was a reddish brown with a huge 3 inch frothy head that dissipated slowly and laced fairly well. If I had to call it, it would be a brown ale. The aromas I got were light chocolate, roasted and toasted that I associate with caramel but didn’t find it. The yeast had an earthy smell along with a sherry aroma. Intrigued I went for a taste, they were brown sugar, port, smoke and surprisingly brandy. The initial flavor were light sweet and bitter and the finish was the same. Finish duration was average with an oily mouthfeel and virtually no body lacing. On the malt to hop scale I put it at 3 with 5 being balanced.
I must admit that I was taken and wish I had stored it better. I could drink several in a row. This could be a way to introduce lager drinkers to ales, porters and stouts without scaring them off (ooh I won’t drink that it’s toooo dark).
O’Fallon Lemp Jurassic Dark Rating: 5 out of 10 (?)
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