Winter’s Bourbon Cask Ale
By Dad on February 8, 2007 @ 1 PM (No Comments)
Technically, the Winter’s Bourbon Cask Ale Limited Edition by Anheuser, the label says ale aged on bourbon barrel oak and vanilla bean. Curious? Me too. Pours light amber with a definite vanilla aroma and something else I can’t place – maybe caramel. Vanilla taste comes through very strongly fairly sweet with very weak hops. I would prefer a little more hops but just a little. I couldn’t pick up any bourbon undertones because of the vanilla. The more I drank the more annoying it became as the vanilla overpowered everything. Sorry I bought a 6 pack. Had to knock that puppy in the head and pour out 3. Yes I tried it again just in case. Just a hint of vanilla might work but not that much.
Winter’s Bourbon Cask Ale Rating: 0 out of 10 (?)
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