New The BeerFathers Features
By John on January 18, 2008 @ 5 PM (No Comments)
Though The BeerFathers web site already packs a good amount of both beer and love, we felt it was time to add something to the mix – a little lagniappe as we call back in the Bayou State. So, we decided to end our glorious one-way communication and give you some tools to interact with us directly on both our beer blog and our beer reviews. So on all those pages you’ll now find the ability to post comments and feedback about our posts. Think we’re full of it? You’re probably right – just tell us so. Think we’re spot on? You sound terrific – let us know. Have a good beer you’d like us to review? We’d love to review it – just say so. We hope you enjoy the new feature. In the meantime, drink and be merry.