Spanish Peaks Black Dog Ale
By Dad on May 26, 2007 @ 5 PM (No Comments)
New to the area I couldn’t resist trying it. Bottle says it is an English style amber ale from Spanish Peaks Brewing. The brewer was originally out of Bossman Montana but moved to Denver which seems to be a Mecca for brewers.
Beer temp. 33.4F – 1.3C. Pours medium amber with an off white thin head with no lacing. May have had it too cold. Caramel and molasses aroma. First taste yields caramel and black licorice and a pronounced bitterness. Rather thin mouth feel. Has quite a lingering aftertaste from the heavy roasted malts more so than the hops. Sharpness works the tongue. It seems toward a stout with the licorice but stops way short. I don’t find any sweetness at all, some might be nice.
Not much of a favorite. As it warmed it didn’t get any better. I’m glad I only bought one. There is also a fruit flavored one by the same brewer so will try it also. Repeatability forget about it.