Smithwick’s Irish Ale

By on January 6, 2009 @ 8 PM (2 Comments)

I found this at CPWM for for $1.69 a bottle. Original date of test was 6/29/08. It’s brewed from by Guinness and it’s actually pronounced Smitiks.

Beer temp. 48.0F – 8.9C. This beer has an IBU of 20 (from ask Michael) and ABV of 4.5%. In a pint glass I got an average 2 in. foamy off white head that dissipated quickly with fair head lacing. Body was a clear normal orange red, with a lively carbonation.

Aromas were caramel, cereal (think Grape Nuts), nutty, toasted, floral, nutmeg and cream. Tastes were caramel, lemon and cream. All the aromas and tastes were light with the exception of the cereal which was the most predominate. Initial flavors were a light to medium sweet and a light bitter. Finish flavors were a light sweet, light acidic and a moderate bitter. Finish duration was short, mouthfeel was oily and there was virtually no body lacing. The malts settle on the middle of the tongue and the hops work the back. On the malt to hop scale I gave it a 4 or one notch to the malt side of balanced. Bottom line got a yes to repeatable, drinkable, balance, and buy again. Harmony got a so so and no to memorable and wow factor.

I drank this in the summer and now that it’s cold I almost feel I could bump it up a number (which I have done after trying another one on a cold night ). As I reread this review I got really thirsty. From what I’ve read on the web this is supposed to be Irelands #1 Ale, I can see why. It had a surprisingly clean smell with quite a lot of subtle aromas and a nice mild taste without being overwhelmed with caramel. The fruitiness of the ale yeast makes its self known so would be a good conversion beer to lager drinkers. With the low ABV it is a good session beer and I know I could work my way through several. It ain’t top tier but it ain’t bad. Well worth a 6 pack as it’s a great value.

Smithwick’s Irish Ale Rating: 6 out of 10 (?)

2 Comments (Add Your Comments)

  1. robert martin falk says:

    Excellent not to bitter but has an acceptable bite

  2. Irish Trilogy – Part 2 – Smithwick’s

    ‘Tis sure I’ll be wearing the green,

    When the calendar says March seventeen,

    To help me to think,

    It Smithwick’s I drink,

    Just try some, you’ll know what I mean.

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